Digital Transformation
Why Digital Transformation?
The adoption of cloud computing and emerging technologies associated with the cloud allows us to address improvements and innovation in all areas of executive management:
How we better engage with customers, how we run a business with more accurate statistics, how we partner better, how we build more productive employees.
In some cases, how do we reinvent our business model?
What does digital transformation bring to companies?
New, more modern ways of working that allow the agility and competitiveness that your business needs. This is the contribution of digital transformation:
José Luis Cerrada | CTO
This is a very special moment. The Cloud Computing allows us to implement applications on record time and perform tasks in a few seconds that used to take us a long time.
In addition to this speed, we can pay flexibly for the use we make of technology. And we can delegate all the infrastructure to a third party, so that we dedicate ourselves to what we really know how to do well: our business.
Discover the scope of digital transformation
Today’s applications generate a wealth of data from various sources within the enterprise, extending into the physical world where any device is capable of capturing important signals for analysis.
All this relevant data for the business can be processed efficiently and on a large scale, through the integrated Big Data platform of Google Cloud Platform, enabling predictive analysis and providing valuable information in areas such as operations, marketing or sales.
Cloud Platform offers us an end-to-end, proven and integrated Big Data solution, based on years of innovation at Google, which allows us to capture, process, store and analyze all the data generated in a single platform.
Do you want to know which are the areas of application of Big Data in your business?
Contact us and we will be happy to help you.

IOT (Internet of things)
The Internet of Things is essentially a system of machines and objects equipped with data collection technologies so that these objects can communicate with each other. The data that is generated has a myriad of uses, but it is often used to determine the health and state of things.
The goal is to get all these devices or objects to act in an increasingly intelligent and independent way, connecting to the Internet and to each other, exchanging data with external servers and acting on the information collected, both from sensors and servers.
This requires the use of the IPv6 protocol and the development of numerous technologies that are currently being designed by the main companies in the sector.
Google has Google Cloud IoT Core , a service designed to help securely connect and manage devices on a large scale. Numerous companies from various sectors such as transport, oil, public services or health are already using this service.

Blockchain is a powerful technology that allows companies and businesses to provide security to their processes and activities. Thanks to blockchain technology, companies can attribute with absolute certainty the authorship of the information that travels and is stored on the networks.
Our services will help you simplify the way we get value from Blockchain.
Blockchain benefits:
- Safety guaranteed in all activities
- Transparency in operations
- Time saving
- Data immutability with cryptographic processes

Machine Learning or Automatic Learning is a branch within the field of Artificial Intelligence whose objective is to provide computers with the ability to learn autonomously and automate, through different algorithms, the identification of patterns or trends from the data.
Machine learning algorithms are often classified as supervised or unsupervised. The supervised algorithms work with “tagged” data and learn from a historical data to predict a certain output value.
A simple example would be Google SPAM, where a classification problem is applied, such as detecting junk mail or “spam”.
In unsupervised algorithms, there is no previous experience, so it is mainly oriented to discover implicit relationships and patterns in a data set without prior labeling, as it is the case of scientific analysis, which has a clear exploratory nature.
It is very important not only to choose the most appropriate algorithm but also to have a large volume of data of sufficient quality.
Once the objective and the information that we must collect have been defined, Machine Learning can be enormously useful when it comes to detecting trends and behaviors. And in this way to be able to make predictions and facilitate decision-making in all functional areas of the company.
In this process the role of the technology consultant is essential since they can guide your company from concept to implementation, through a wide range of packages and services that they focus on developing machine learning solutions.
Do you want to know our real cases in Machine Learning?
Contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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Tell us what you need and we will be happy to contact you as soon as possible.