Implementation of a new platform to manage the lifecycle of creative works on AWS for SGAE 

Customer Challenge: 

SGAE was seeking to implement a new platform to manage the lifecycle of creative works used in services provided by several internet content providers, from ingestion to billing and payment processing. The platform’s requirements included robust data processing, efficient search capabilities, and seamless integration with their existing ERP system for financial transactions.
The primary challenge was to develop a scalable, reliable infrastructure capable of handling the complex workflows and large data volumes involved in tracking and monetizing creative works. Failure to address these needs could lead to inefficiencies in processing royalties, delayed payments to authors and creators, and potential loss of revenue due to inaccurate tracking of works.


About SGAE

SGAE EGDPI (Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual) is a prominent Spanish organization that manages intellectual property rights for musical, audiovisual, and dramatical works. The organization ensures creators receive appropriate compensation for the use of their works across various platforms, such as music streaming services, video platforms, broadcasting, public performances, etc.

Partner Solution: 

Telefónica proposed a comprehensive solution using AWS cloud services. The architecture included:

  • EKS Clusters: Two Kubernetes clusters (EC2 instances) were deployed: a production cluster with 16 workers (each with 16vCPUs and 64GB RAM) and a development cluster with 4 workers (each with 16vCPUs and 64GB RAM).
  • VPC Configuration: A Shared VPC was set up for common elements like backup and security, and an isolated VPC was created specifically for the environment.
  • MongoDB Atlas: The database layer was managed using a MongoDB Atlas M60 cluster, providing 320GB storage, 64GB RAM, and 16 vCPUs.
  • AWS Services: Load Balancers, Bastion Host instances, NAT Gateways, and S3 Glacier for backup storage were utilized to ensure high availability, security, and cost-effective storage.
  • Master Program Account (MPA): A dedicated MPA was provisioned to give SGAE administrative control while allowing Telefónica to manage root credentials, ensuring security and flexibility.

Results and Benefits:

The AWS-based solution provided by Telefónica enabled SGAE to achieve a scalable and reliable platform for managing the lifecycle of creative works. The robust infrastructure ensured efficient ingestion, processing, and seamless financial transactions. 

The solution likely led to improved operational efficiency, timely payments to authors and creators, and better tracking and monetization of works.

About the Partner:

Altostratus is part of Telefónica Tech, a leading company in digital transformation. The company offers a wide range of technological services and solutions in Cybersecurity, Cloud, IoT, Big Data, and Blockchain. Telefónica Tech has the Security Services Competency. 

For more information, please visit: or Altostratus is part of Telefónica Tech.